Tajaajilootaa fi Galmaawwan Gurguddoo

Kaayyoon gurgurdaan Dhaabbata Tajaajila Bishaan Dhugaatii fi Dhangala’aa Heeban Nageellee Siraaroo

  1. Waliin gahiinsa bishaan dhugaatii (Access to safe drinking water is a basic human right.
    • Qulqulluu, Gahaa fi Itti-fufinsa
  2. Qisaasama bishaan dhugaatii gadi buusuu/xiqqeessuu /non-revenue water/
    • Seeralummaa sarara bishaanii/ ilegal connection,
    • Kaffaltii maamilarraa sassaabuu ,
    • Dhimmbisa bishaanii madda, sarara, kuusaa fi maamila,too’atuun bulchuu
  3. Sirna tajaajila maqsa balfa dhangalaa’aa fi goggogaa hordofuu
  4. Galii dhaabbatichaa dabaluu
  5. Baasii Dhaabbatichaa Qusannaan itti fayyadamuu
  6. Sirna ragaa fi odeeffannoo diriirsuu (data base & MIS) qindaa’aa horachuu

Tajaajila si’ataa, iftoominaa fi haqa qabeessa kennu


Galmaawwan Gurguddoo


Waliin Gahiinsa Bishaan Dhugaatii fi kenna Tajaajilaa Qulqulina isaa Eeggate Dhiyeessuu

Bu'uura istaandaardii ka'umsa godhachuudhaan waliingahiinsa bishaan dhugaatii dhuma Bara 2014tti %68.00irra jiru dhuma Bara 2015 gara %71guddisuu.
Qisaasama bishaan dhugaatii (NRW) hir’isuun, kenna tajaajila itti fufiinsa qabu mirkaneessuu,
Kaayyoo2: Qisaasama bishaan dhugaatii (NRW) dhuma Bara 2014% 20 irra ture bara 2015 gara %18 tti gad buusu.
Bulchiinsa Qabeenya Bishaanii Fooyyeessuu
Kaayyoo: Bulchiinsa Qabeenya Bishaanii naannoo cimsuudhaan faalama xiqqeessuufi ragaa bu'uuraa qindeessuu;
Sirna Maqsa-Balfaa Fooyyeessuu
Kaayyoo: Sirna maqsa balfa dhangala’aa bara 2014 M30 maqsamaa ture bara 2015 tti M3 100 ol maqsuuf karoorfame jira.
Qorannoo Bishaanii Gaggeessuu
Qorannooi Bishaanii Gaggeessuu


Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the divide.

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They set out the plan and executed it flawlessly. They engaged their employees and made sure to have adequate staffing 24/7, 365 days for their clients.
“Get More Done”
Dh.Taj.B.Dhug.Dha.Naqamtee (NWSSSE)

Dhaabbata Tajaajilaa Bishaan Dhugaatii fi Dhangalaáa Naqamtee

NWSSSE (Naqamtee Water Supply and Sewerage Services Enterprise)

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